Sunday, September 14, 2008


~KNOCK~KNOCK~ Anybody in here?

So it's been a little while since I've blogged. Lets see if we can catch up.

My buddy Louie moved in with my husband and I July 4th weekend. It's been an interesting adjustment but it's nice having a constant familiar face. Lou has been working at the diner with me since he moved here but just recently quit. He starts work with Nic tomorrow. Both guys are looking forward to it.

I'm a little burnt out on the diner myself. A lot of effort and work goes into each day that is either unnoticed, unappreciated or unnecessary labor. With a fall season and a ski season quickly approaching, I'm wondering if I even want to be in the hospitality or food industry at all. Ah, why can't my hobbies and arts support my habits and lifestyle? I'm really looking forward to the full burst of color of fall. I'm procrastinating a bit on editing the last weeks worth of pictures. I am not seeing as much change as I would like and it's hard to get motivated. :-( Drats!

Here's a sample of some recent stuff...

Nic is getting really far along on this project for Jon. Logs were finished being set a long time ago and Dans crew is finishing up the last of the roof this week. The last week or so has been getting pretty hectic as Nic is now having many of the contractors on site at the same time. The excavation crew has been running lines and conduit in trenches from the generator house to the main house and all the way down the very long driveway. The electritions have been following along as well, making sure the lines are being placed correctly. The painters have had a crew out there pressure washing the logs in preparation for stain. The masons have been working on the main fireplace for the last 3 weeks and have finally made it to the roofline. Next week there will also be the addition of the insulation company. They will be joining the project for 3 weeks while they zip foam everything. It's been both exciting and exhausting for Nic but he's doing a fanominal job!

This picture was taken about 2 weeks ago but it was my first attempt at stiched panoramic pictures. It gives a great feel of exactly how large this house is. The house looks dramatically different now. Hopefully I'll be able to do a similar picture tomorrow. :-)

Louie has already joined the fun 2 days a week but starts full time tomorrow.

So, there's a taste...I hope it catches you up a bit. Let's see if I can do this a little more often. ;-)
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